Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blood and Gorebot page 6

And so here's the sixth and final page of my mini comic that introduces the crazy microcosmic world of the Deadly Alien Microbots. I hope you enjoyed the ride and please let me know your thoughts on it all, good and bad.

I'm hard at work on a much longer comic with an actual plot now, but rest assured it's just as insane as this one is.


Ken said...

haha man, i love the zaniness of your comics - glad to know you got another one brewing!

silvano said...

Hello Charles , I really LOVED this lil' story from the first to the last panel crazy SF + unusual drawing technique mixed an a unique style ; can't wait to see a new one

Charles Goatley said...

Thanks, guys. I wish I could draw faster so I could start posting it all.

Mirella said...


robi pena said...

Hey Charles :-)!! How long ... how are you my friend?!! Your last works, are beautiful!! Cheers my friend!!

bog_art said...

Congratulations my friend!.. you first b/w big project.. now, more!..