The first letter in the alphabet of DAM is D, and this is what it stands for - Deadly! Thus this post disproves the popular theory that it stands for Don't Ask Me.
Expect to find out what the letters A and M represent in the near future.
Anyway, this image also makes it pretty clear in my mind that this art style is definitely the way forward for the comic.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
D is for Deadly
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I wanted to try drawing a DAM picture in a Miller-esque noir style. I liked it so much I decided to make it look like a promotional piece for my comic. This is also a second first (is that even possible?) as I didn't touch up any of the main picture after I scanned it in. All I did was add the text and fill in all the remaining black areas.
This image shines a light on the identity of the final main character. The floating bubble-bot in the middle is named Claws. As to what DAM actually stands for, well all may be revealed soon.
Anyway, I'm thinking about doing the entire comic this style, but not too sure. Film noir robots? It's certainly different. What do you think?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Hot babe
Contrary from popular opinion, I don't have a one track mind. It's a two track mind!
Anyway, another cool pic from me that I'm really pleased with, even though it's quite a generic pose. I think I got most of the body right apart from the foot, which I spent too much time on.
Posted by Charles Goatley at 6:47 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The robot spaghetti monster
This is another robot, believe it or not, from the DAM comic I'm working on. Drawing robots is one thing but drawing big blobs of something-or-other is quite challenging. I'm not too sure about the final look for this character but this is the general direction I'm aiming for.
The robot's name is appropriately called Fubar, by the way.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Cool pic
I'm really pleased with this picture. Well proportioned (I think), nice atmosphere all round. I definitely need to do more pictures like this.
Posted by Charles Goatley at 6:17 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Spark of genius
Here's the third robot from that DAM comic book idea of mine. This guy's called Spark, more or less for obvious reasons, and is the self appointed leader of the gang.
I'm trying to draw most of the robots full size so there'll be a few more, but just in case you're a robotophobe, I'm having a go at drawing another noir style black and white, which I hope to put in the next post, and I think is my best yet...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Robots reunited
And so Christmas has come and gone, it's a new year and here's the first of my posts of 2008, albeit a little delayed due to an unscheduled bout of laziness.
Actually I've not been entirely lazy. I've been busy preparing my first venture into the crazy world of comic books. And here's one character from my robot idea I've been playing around with.
This guy's called Doctor Von Gorebot and you really wouldn't want him poking around inside of you...