Wow... I have been getting sloppy. No posts in about 6 months... I've even been slacking on my webcomic. Time to change that then
Here's a little piece that I've been working on for my comic. I was so pleased with how it turned out I think it deserves to stand out on its own.
Episode 4 of the DAMbots is almost over and honestly I wasn't happy with it - it was long and a little bit dull. I was pleased with the art but the story wasn't there. It was like one overlong montage with nothing really happening - bah! Hence me slowly slipping into obscurity on the interwebs and getting distracted by other things, of which I shall make mention of very soon.
So yesterday I got my act together and wrote the synopsis for Episode 5 and was surprised by how well it all fitted together. If I don't get distracted again it will both look awesome and be a fun story. It's hard to believe that about 2 years ago I came up with the overall story arc for the DAMbots and episode 5 was actually originally going to be the first episode. Let's hope I don't get distracted again!...
3 weeks ago