So, it's a new year both in my calendar and in the Chinese one. Well, thanks for all the comments and sorry for the huuuuuge delay between posts but as you can see I've been a bit busy...
The pic on the left, which I managed to somehow pull together this evening, I'm going to use as a banner-type thing on my comic when I plaster the finished thing up on the interweb. So I can paint in colour after all!As well as that I (think I) finished the cover, which is a lot simpler as I really want to go for a pulpy minimalist look for the issue one print. For those friends who helped me out in my previous post, thanks for all the comments and I did take them on board. You can see I took the second idea and jazzed it up slightly. I'd love to do something more colourful, like the banner, but I'm still not too confident with colours and I'd be a bit worried it'd betray the black and white of the comic book inside. This stays truer to the contents. Hope you agree! It probably still needs the odd tweak here and there, but I'd say it's 95% done now.
What say you all to these 2 pieces of graphic design?
I've also already started doing the pages for chapter 2!! My plan is to get a website set up and start posting chapter 1 asap. My other plan is to try and post some more non-comic stuff on here again as I'm sure you're all getting bored of this... I really should have drawn a timely picture of an ox now that I think about it.
Happy New Year(s) to everyone! I'm really excited about this one, even if it is the last full year I ever have in my twenties!
3 weeks ago
Happy New Year to you and the deadly 'bots !This is on cool logo , reminds me of the ones used by rhe hardcore bands in the eighties...
Love your style, finally something new! I will add to my links!
Great logo my friend, really nice choice. I like the color on the final title as well... he he.. you'll only be done when you believe it :).
Thank you for your kind words on my blog!
SPUZZABUDOOOM ahhhhh... that felt good, the natural reaction I have to looking at awesome art, really nice stuff buddy, i am right click saving as we S P E A K!
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