Sorry about the really really long delay between posts yet again. I do have a valid excuse this time, which is that I've been prepping for a move to a games company all the way over in Montreal! This does mean future posts might be a bit thin on the ground for a while but I'll do my best to keep going...
Anyhoo, here is my take on the latest Illustration Friday topic - Contagious. Fortunately this fits in well with the kind of thing I draw regularly for my webcomic. This time I decided to explore drawing in a new way, trying to emulate the style of electron microscopic imaging, which almost works. I'm a big fan of the technique as everything ends up looking like an alien planet.
So do you like this? If you do I might draw some more, but to do that let's set a target of, say, 10 or more comments this time - if I break the magic double figure comment threshold I'll draw another pic like this perhaps. Your call...
3 weeks ago
Interesting use of the theme!
Yes Charles we like this microscopic imaging :-)) and yes it looks like a alien planet ^^, superbe!!! Also congrats for the new game you are working on!!! Cheers my friend :-)))!!
this is very cool - and congrats on the games company job! you should make more of these, 10 comments or not!
Thanks y'all!
Hehe, maybe I should do more. Hang on -- does it count when I comment myself? Oh well, it does now! ;)
It's actually been dawning on me that drawing my webcomic like this might be quite coolio, though I need a lot more practice, but then this here blog is always a starting point for that!
Cool illo ; this same style applid to comics could work well , but it would be hard not to fall in the trap of having all the panels with the same tonal values ,and have the pages look static ; while the stark B/W has your eye moving guides by the placing of blacks ...
hey charles cool blog!! :)
I up load the freaks in a large version so you can see better the details :)
cheers friend and thanks for the comments
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