Hi there folks. As promised here's a picture I just painted. It's a bit experimental so please tell me your opinions...
Sometimes I feel like my art style is all over the place as each picture I draw is so different, but then I also feel like I'm coming towards finding a style that's 'my own'. And I definitely think this is more my thing than some of the others I've down.
3 weeks ago
Any chance to see a your comics? Love your works. Bye from Italy.
Hey my friend!! Great illustration a little bit misterious but great :-)))!!!
Thanks guys.
My webcomic is down at the moment. It was hacked and infected with a virus or something like that. So I need to rebuild it from scratch since my backups weren't as extensive as I thought. Lesson learned!
It will be back up soon.
Website finally back up
Looking good my friend. I think its great that you a variety of styles. It just shows that your not just a one trick pony. :)
Your blog was too good.I really appreciate with your blog.Thanks for sharing.
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